Cr8tions Magazine “Where Fashion Meets the Uncontained Arts”, is a dynamic Fashion guide that cultivates, educates, and motivates both young men and women on how to express themselves through a mixture of fashion, music, and art; the target goals are creating original style and fashion statements.

get to know our cr8tor 


Lillie Dina Brown Josey, better known as Dina, was born, and raised in lower east Manhattan NY until the tender age of 7 when she moved and gained a love not only for music and art but also fashion in the most historical region well-known for iconic fashion trends, Harlem NY. Her upbringing pushed her to create an art and music-inspired clothing line that self-titled M6 Cr8tions. The branding and marking process of her clothing line then introduced her to an undying love for photography. Cr8tions Magazine and her journey as a photographer/ retouch editor were then born in the year 2013.

Cr8tions Magazine “Where fashion meets the boundless arts”, is the coming together of cultivating artists who strive to motivate while opening doors for the next generation of young men and women through designing, photography, cosmetology, and blogging. We push to be a voice, vision, and platform of boundless art. Art is subjective and has absolutely no limitations, and that describes Cr8tions Magazine to the T. Cr8tions stands to be one if not the most sorted-out publications of this time.


“What inspired you to create Cr8tions Magazine?”

"I will never forget the feeling I felt back in July of 2013. My Uncle-in-law, who barely knew me at the time," she smiled. "Allowed me the chance to assist and photograph at a show that he was close lining. I mean the most mind-blowing, life-altering, and well-defined, black greatness at its finest, show. I had never seen, nor experienced anything like it.”
“I knew from that day forward I had to have a piece of that world. It was truly a moment when I felt I discovered a part of my calling and I wanted in A.S.A.P. So, a big thank you goes out to Sophia Davis for just her greatness, and thank you, Uncle Norman, of Lockdown International, for helping to open my eyes and towards my creative flood gates that would soon lead me into CR8TIONS MAGAZINE.”

“Did you always know that you were going to start a fashion magazine and be a photographer?”

“No! To be honest I always prayed to be a famous singer when I grew up. I fantasize to be the next Mary J Blige, SWV, or Michael or Janet Jackson believe it or not.” She laughed. “All are my favorites, So, of course, growing up to their inspiring music, images, and fashion became a big deal in detailing my vision for art and what direction my life would move towards. I just thought I would be the artist, not the one shooting them.” Again, she laughed. Cr8tions Magazine had to be based on what I know so well, music, art, originality, and fashion. My dream.”

“We understand that you are the oldest of 7 siblings, correct?” We asked as she nodded her head with a smile. “And that at just the age of 9 both you and your brothers and sisters were awarded to the state, and you lived out your remaining childhood and teenage years in foster care. growing up in foster? Correct?” Again, she nodded her head. “Do you mind telling us a little bit about that?”

“Yes, because that difficult time had such a shaping impact on my life. I was deeply lost and frustrated in all of my childhood and young adult life, both in and out of foster care. Frustration is what pushed me into becoming an imaginative child and also what almost ceased me. The more I switched from foster home to foster home, school to school, meaningful friendships ended due to the moving and being separated from not just my parents but my siblings too; with no hope of ever having my family restored, I grew in a deep depression that I still battle with to this day.

I hate to admit it, but I became hopeless and slowly felt my dreams and imagination drifting away from me. I felt no control over my own life. It’s just something about telling a child they can no longer live and grow with the people that are embedded in their hearts and whom they know as their protectors. No home ever replaces the home at heart.

It left me scared, emotionally scarred, and it cut me so deep that I still cry to this day just from remembrance. It implanted a recipe of hopelessness that I am now determined to pull up by the roots and throw away, in the trash where it belongs.” She laughed. “My life is so much different now. Hope surrounds and consumes me now. I live with so much hope, faith, and blessings now that I actually thank my God, Jehovah, and now have an understanding of how my younger life helped to mold me into the beautiful woman I am today,” She smiles. “I am a wife of a 23-year relationship. A mother of 3 and a child of Jehovah. I used to smile and sometimes it would be a masking of my pain, but now when you see me smile, I truly mean it and I now cry openly when I truly mean it too. It’s all a part of the healing process. But hope, dreaming, and creating all thrive over here honey.” She laughed. “We all are living our dreams over here at Cr8tions with God’s backing.

“We love to hear that Dina and your story is truly inspiring. So, may I ask, for those who are inspired by you and your story and accomplishments, what would be your ultimate message towards fellow inspiring business owners?

"With the greatest of intentions and with such deep emotion, my biggest message is to TRUST AND BELIEVE IN JEHOVAH 1ST AND THEN IN YOURSELF. GOD WILL SHOW YOU THE WAY AND IT MIGHT TAKE SOME TIME BUT STAND FAITHFUL. DON’T GIVE UP. ALL THAT I AM IS BECAUSE GOD SAW AND HEARD ME AND MADE ME ALL I NEEDED TO BE AND HE WILL DO THE SAME FOR YOU. Please write that part in all caps,” she laughed. “I want all who read this to hear that part loud and clear.” Yet again, she laughed.

-Lillie “Dina” Brown Josey-Interview dated 03/13/23.